2022年7月、出版レーベルgreen seed books をはじめました。
小さなころにであった言葉や絵本が種になり、大地に根をはった大きな木になる‥そんな思いでgreen seed booksと名前をつけました。翻訳絵本だけでなく、オリジナルの絵本などもゆくゆくはお届けしたいと思っています。、対象年齢のない絵本作り‥どんな年齢のひとたちにも手にとってもらいたい、それが目標です。
Launched in July 2022, Green Seed Books is a publishing house of international children’s books. The name carries a wish that the stories we read as kids, the ones softly planted in our minds, will grow into firmly rooted trees.
With GSB, I aim to produce both translated children’s books and original content in hopes that people of all ages will enjoy them. I want to publish works that brighten moods and provoke thought while warming your heart and soul.
When I was little, my grandmother taught me some magical words to repeat whenever I felt down or lacked confidence. They were special words meant for me to chant, and whenever I repeated them out loud, I was somehow able to lift my head up and take a step forward. The experience allowed me to believe in the power of words and create books that communicate their magic.
The first two books I wrote were part of a series called Children Around the World (Kaiseisha), highlighting Indonesia and Turkey. They were documentary-style children’s books in which the authors visit countries for the first time and observe the lives of children, introducing the lifestyles and cultures. I have always wanted to learn more about the world, so with this project, I took a few steps closer.
As I juggled my career and raising children, I worked at a publisher and edited non-fiction books like the series Cities of the World (Bungei-Shunju), which focused on international cities. Living in many different places over the years, including Tokyo, Hanoi, Washington D.C., and New York, I found a new desire to communicate Japan to the world. This led me to edit and produce two books introducing Japanese cooking, Everyday Onigiri 101 and Wagohan 101: The ABCs of Japanese Cuisine. I then found a curiosity for foreign books and put out Zero and One (Kodansha). The many hours it took to find a publisher as a freelance editor and the wealth of international children’s books I’d like to present in Japan pushed me to start my own business.
Entering unknown terrain is always just as exciting as it is nerve-wracking, but with the help of my grandmother’s words, I am stepping forward to produce books of my own.